We've got four events planned between now and the end of the year - there will be something for everyone! So please put these dates in your diaries:
- Tue 26 October 7.00 pm - Owl prowl from Shire Way gate led by local owl expert Ian McGuire
- Sun 21 November 10.00 am - Volunteer work morning starting at Shire Way gate - Clearing stream, general tidy-up, showing volunteers what has been happening re ash dieback etc
- Wed 1 December 7.30 pm - Red Kites talk and slide
show at St Nicholas Family Centre, Abbotswood. Ian McGuire's talks and photography are always fascinating
- Sat 4 December 10.00 am - Volunteer work morning from Shire Way gate, planting 30 or so trees to replace the big
trees worked cut back in the Ancient Woodland last winter due to ash dieback
We'll put more details of each event here and on the Wapley Bushes website as time goes on.