Wapley Bushes Local Nature Reserve, near Yate and Chipping Sodbury, South Gloucestershire.

The Nature Reserve is run by the Wapley Bushes Conservation Group, a small group of volunteers.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Successful walks at Wapley

14 of us had a great species walk afternoon on Sunday 12 June, led by Rupert Higgins of Wessex Ecological Consultancy. We explored the meadows aand found a whole range of different flowering and grassland species.

Rupert writes the Five Year Plan for Wapley Bushes Local Nature Reserve. This is the basis for our long term ecological management of the reserve.

We also welcomed 8 members of Yate WI for a walk the following evening, covering the Orchard and the Common (not to mention steam trains and other local history!)

Common Orchid and Bird's Foot Trefoil ("Eggs and Bacon")
Common Orchid and Bird's Foot Trefoil ("Bacon and Eggs")

Don't forget that we're doing a Nature Reserve Tidy-Up morning on Saturday 2 July. We'll be meeting at 10.00 from the Shire Way Gate, everyone welcome even if you haven’t been before (children under 16 need to be accompanied by a responsible adult). 

Please wear stout footwear and bring gloves if you have them. If not, we’ll provide gloves that you can keep until the next workday – as a COVID precaution we’re not sharing gloves. You can bring your own tools or tools will be provided.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Wapley Nature Reserve Tidy-Up – Saturday 2 July


We’re expecting a lot of visitors over the summer, so it’s time for a tidy-up. We need to do a “deep clean” litter-pick and cut back along the edges of some of the paths, so there will be something for everybody, as always.

Meet at 10 am at the Shire Way entrance to the woodland, south Yate, BS37 8US. Please wear stout footwear and bring gloves if you have them. If not, we’ll provide gloves that you can keep until the next workday – as a COVID precaution we’re not sharing gloves.

Please come and join us even if you haven’t been before. You can bring your own tools or tools will be provided. Everyone is welcome, though children under 16 will need to be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Saturday, June 04, 2022

Discover our local native species - free guided walk Sunday 12 June

Free Event - Species Identification Walk with Rupert Higgins of Wessex Ecological Consultancy.

Sunday 12 June at 2 pm from the Shire Way gate entrance to the Wapley Bushes Local Nature Reserve, guided by Rupert, who also writes our Five Year Management Plans for this Wapley Bushes Local Nature Reserve.

The meadows are home to a wide variety of species, and we are anticipating seeing lots of interesting plants and insects. Please come and join us.

We're planning some more walks during the summer - please check back here for updates.

Planning meeting for Wapley Bushes, Wed 8 June – please come and get involved!


Wapley Bushes Conservation Group will be meeting at 7 pm on Wednesday 8 June to plan project work to the end of the year and beyond. This time we’ll be back to a face to face meeting in the Council Chamber at Dodington Parish Hall, Finch Road BS37 6JZ.

We would very much like to see some of our volunteers there. There will be a quick AGM, then the detailed committee meeting to plan out what we’re aiming to do between now and the end of the year.

If you would like to find out more, please email
paul.hulbert@gmail.com so that we can send you copies of the meeting papers.

We look forward to seeing you there!