We've written previously about Ash Dieback Disease (ADD), and explained that tree surgery is needed this autumn to reduce around twenty major ash trees in the Ancient Woodland to 6 metres high, producing "monoliths" like this:
The monoliths will decay over a period of many years, providing habitat for woodland flora and fauna while replacement trees are growing.
Another five or so large trees were too far gone to be suitable for monolithing, so they are being taken down much lower.
The semi-mature ash trees in the Centenary Wood, between the Ancient Woodland and the Top Meadow, will all need to be felled this autumn as well.
Work will start on Monday 26 October and continue for about two weeks. During that time access to parts of the woodland will be blocked off for safety reasons.
Most of the work on the large trees in the Ancient Woodland has now been completed. The tree surgeons will be returning on Thursday 5 October to deal with the remaining major trees, and move on to felling the semi-mature trees in the Centenary Wood.
You can read more about Ash Dieback Disease on the Wapley Bushes website
or click here to download the Wapley Bushes Ash Dieback information leaflet
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